Dmitry Semyonovich Strebkov–academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of technical sciences, professor, scientific head of the Federal scientific agroengineering center VIM.
In 1971 he defended his candidate thesis. In 1983 he became a doctor of technical Sciences.
He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Agriculture Mechanization and Electrification (now Moscow State Agricultural Engineering University), Faculty of Electrification in 1959. From 1959 to 1960, he worked as an engineer at the electromechanical workshop “Mosselenergo”. In 1960, he moved to the All-Union Scientific-Research Institute for Current Sources, where he worked up to 1987 as a senior engineer, senior researcher, division head, laboratory head, department head, Deputy Chief Designer. From 1987 to 2015, he is director of the All-Russia Scientific-Research Institute for Electrification of Agriculture (VIESH). In the context of a secondary job, he worked from 1967 to 1987 as a senior teacher, associate professor and professor at the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute (chair “Fundamentals of Radio Engineering and Television”).
In 1967 he graduated from the Moscow State University n. a. M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty “Mathematics”). He received the Candidate of Science (Technology) degree from the All-Union Scientific-Research Institute for Current Sources in 1971, and the Doctor ofScience (Technology) degree in 1983. In 1985 he received the academic status of professor at the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute (Chair “Fundamentals of Radio Engineering and Television”). He became a correspondent member of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences n. a. V.I. Lenin in 1991, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1993, academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1997, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2013.
In 2008 to D.S. Strebkov the honorary title “The honored worker of science of the Russian Federation” was given by President V.V. Putin.
D.S. Strebkov heads research works on electrification of agriculture, as well as in the field of renewable energy. He has published 1600 scientific works (this number includes 475 inventor’s certificates and patents of the Russian Federation and 16 USA patents).
The most significant works:
- Bezrukikh P.P., Strebkov D.S. Renewable power: strategy, resources, technology / Under the editorship of the academician D. S. Strebkov. – M.: VIESH, 2005. – 264 pages.
- Strebkov D.S., Tveryanovich E.V. Solar energy concentrators / Under the editorship of the academician D.S. Strebkov. – M.: VIESH, 2007. – 316 pages.
- Strebkov D.S. Matrix solar cells. In 3 volumes. – M.: VIESH, 2009-2010. – 657 pages.
- ShogenovA.Kh., Strebkov D.S. Elextronics: The manual for higher education institutions of the Russian Federation / Under the editorship of the academician D.S. Strebkov. – M.: RadioSoft, 2011. – 488 pages.
- Strebkov D.S., Nekrasov A.I. Resonant methods of electric power transmission and application. – Prod. the 4th, reslave. and additional / Under the editorship of the academician D.S. Strebkov. – M.: VIESH, 2013. – 584 pages.
Since 1992 the Russian section of ISES-Russia of the International Solar Energy Society has been working at VIESH and he is Chairman of the Russian Section of the International Society on Solar Energy, since 2002 he is vice-president of the Russian Committee on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources.
At VIESH the International UNESCO Chair «Renewable Energy and Rural Electrification» has been working since 1997, and since 2003 to 2013 the chair of the Moscow State Agricultural Engineering University named after V.P. Goryachkin (MGAU).
Since 1997 D.S. Strebkov is the Chairman of the UNESCO Chair “Renewable Energy and Rural Electrification” at VIESH.
Since 2004 D.S. Strebkov has been participating in the work of the Executive Committee of European Network on Education and Training in Renewable Energy Sources (EURONETRES) of UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (UNESCO-BRESCE). D.S. Strebkov was appointed the chairman of the European working group for education in the field of solar energy by the EURONETRES Council decision.
Under scientific and methodological guidance of the International UNESCO Chair at VIESH and the chair of MGAU textbooks for students and postgraduate students with a specialization in “Power Plants on the Basis of Renewable Energy Sources” have been published.
The team of the International UNESCO Chair at VIESH has carried out extensive work related to the participation in international programs and conferences, to training postgraduates and students of MGAU, the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, the Moscow State University of Engineering Ecology, etc. D.S. Strebkov in cooperation with the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov has organized three schools for young people for studying renewable energy sources and educational issues in this field.
There are postgraduate and doctorate centers, as well as the Dissertation Council for Candidate and Doctoral theses defense with a specialization 05.14.08 “Power Plants on the Basis of Renewable Energy Sources”. Since 1989 D.S. Strebkov has been appointed as the Chairman of VIESH Dissertation Council to 22 candidates of Science and 2 doctors of Science have received their degrees under D.S. Strebkov supervision, including one candidate of engineering from Egypt and one candidate of engineering from Turkmenistan.