Dmitry S. Strebkov, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Advisor.
Dmitry A. Tikhomirov, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor of RAS, Corresponding Member of RAS, Chief Researcher, Head of the department.
Andrey Yu. Izmaylov, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Docent, Academician of RAS, Institute Director.
Yakov P. Lobachevsky, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Academician of RAS, First Deputy Director.
Alexey S. Dorokhov, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Docent, , Corresponding Member of RAS, Deputy Director for scientific and organizational work.
Yuriy Gr. Ivanov
The main directions of scientific research:
– Automated control systems for technological processes in agriculture.
– Development of information systems and controls for technological processes.
Publications. Total – 162. In E-library – 137 publications, incl. training manuals – 8; monographs – 2; inventions, utility models and certificates – 25.
AuthorID: 744496 Hirsch Index – 10
Honors: Gratitude of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Certificate of honor of the Moscow Regional Duma. Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation. Silver medal “For the creation of a line for utilization of litter manure from poultry farms with the production of thermal energy for the needs of the enterprise”, 2014
Ivan I. Girutsky
The main directions of scientific and practical activities:
– research, development and implementation of computerized control systems for technological processes in agricultural production.
More than 150 scientific and 12 educational-methodical works were published, 23 patents and copyright certificates for inventions and 2 certificates for registration of computer programs were received.
Ivan I. Girutsky is the deputy chairman of the council for doctoral dissertations defense D 01.54.01.
In 1998 he was honored a 1st degree diploma for the development and application in the educational process of the stand of the automated process control system for the preparation and distribution of liquid feed based on the microprocessor controller KMS-1.
In 2012 he was honored the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.
E-mail: gir_50@
Vladimir V. Kozyrsky
Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.
AuthorID: 784042
Research interests:
– the use of electrical technologies in agricultural production;
– optimization of parameters and operating modes of electrical equipment;
– improving the quality of power supply and operational reliability of electrical equipment.
More than 150 publications, 4 monographs.
Margarita M. Blagoveshchenskaya
More than 200 publications.
SPIN-code: 9455-1442, AuthorID: 491657
Research interests: Automation of food mass quality control using intelligent technologies, mathematical and algorithmic support for the automation of food production processes using digital video filming as an intelligent sensor, reducing the risk of obtaining low-quality products through the development and creation of new highly effective methods and means of automatic quality control of raw materials, semi-finished products and ready-made food products using mathematical modeling.
Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
Vladimir A. Markov
SPIN-code: 6354-5278, AuthorID: 617021
Research interests: fuel supply and control systems of diesel engines, toxicity of exhaust gases from internal combustion engines, operation of engines on alternative fuels. Markov V.A. has over 200 publications, including a textbook (in two editions), 5 monographs, more than 100 articles in scientific and scientific-technical journals, 40 copyright certificates of the USSR, applications and patents of the Russian Federation. Markov V.A. took part in creation of the encyclopedia on life support systems and heat engines, published in 2003 by the English publishing house Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) with the assistance of the Russian Academy of Sciences (curated by Academician Favorsky O.N.). He participated in the development of a number of domestic diesel engines for military equipment and transport, comparable in their economic and environmental performance with the best foreign analogs.
Mikhail G. Tyagunov
Research interests:
– optimization of parameters and modes of operation of renewable energy sources;
– development of autonomous power supply complexes for remote consumers.
He has more than 150 publications, including those indexed in Scopus -7, in the Web of Science – 4.
SPIN-code: 9801-6239, AuthorID: 456576
Asan B. Ospanov (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Research interests: the development and creation of highly efficient technologies and machines for the processing of plant-growing and livestock agricultural raw materials. Innovative technologies and technical means were developed for: separation of grain and products of its processing; centrifugal peeling of cereal crops; drying and disinfection of grain in an electromagnetic field of ultra-high frequency; milk pasteurization in an ultra-high frequency field; cold extrusion oil extraction, etc.
He supervised research and development projects for state programs of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1997-2000, 2002-2005, 2006-2008, 2015-2017, and currently manages a research project for grant financing for 2018-2020 to create a domestic highly efficient color separator for separating the components of grain and forage crops. He carried out research projects within the framework of grant financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with scientists from Bulgaria and Russia in the field of using a microwave field for processing grain and milk.
168 scientific works were published, including 6 monographs, 2 textbooks, 14 copyright certificates and patents, 4 scientific articles with an impact factor in Scopus editions. More than 60 scientific articles were published jointly with scientists from Germany, Bulgaria, Russia and Belarus, including 10 articles in Scopus editions.
Alexey N. Vasiliev
Research interests:
– electrical equipment and electrical technologies in agricultural production;
– automated control systems for technological processes of the agro-industrial complex;
– optimization of parameters and operating modes of equipment and technological processes of the agro-industrial complex.
He has over 300 publications: 204 on, 23 – included in the Scopus citation database, 17 – in the Web of Science, 27 patents, 5 monographs, 3 textbooks. Chairman of the Dissertation Council. Honorary Worker of the Higher School.
Web of Science ResearcherID H-3641-2017.
ORCID iD 0000-0002-7988-2338.
Scopus Author ID: 57193499690.
Scopus Author ID: 5720416372.
Dr. Pandian Vasant
Research interests: computational intelligence, hybrid optimization, innovative computing.
Total publications – 257. The total number of times cited 1 660. h-index 23: 136 articles, 9 books, 33 chapters in books, 55 reports at conferences.
Dr. Pandian Vasant is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Basic and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science and Information Technology, Petronas University of Tecnology in Malaysia. He holds a Ph.D. (UNEM, Costa Rica) in Computational Intelligence, an MSc (UMS, Malaysia, Mathematics Engineering) and a Bachelor’s Degree (2nd Grade in Mathematics, UM, Malaysia) in mathematics. His research interests include soft computing, hybrid optimization, holistic optimization, innovative computing and applications. He has 190 publications indexed in SCOPUS. In 2009, Dr. Pandian Vasant was honores as Best Reviewer for Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier), in 2015 as Outstanding Reviewer for ASOC (Elsevier) and Best Reviewer for Sentinels of Science: Computer Science (Oct. 2015-September. 2016). He has 26 years of experience in various universities from 1989-2017. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of IJCO, IJSIEC, IEM, Ijeoe Associate Editor IJFSA, Editor of GJTO, a member of the American Mathematical Society, MERLIN and NAVY Research Groups.
SCOPUS H-Citation Index = 37, Google Scholar H-Index = 26, i10 Index = 91.
Gunther Schauberger.
He has 103 publications from the main Web of Science collection, h-index 21, cited articles 777.
Research interests: Modeling the indoor climate of indoor livestock buildings. Heat stress of farm animals. Adaptive measures to mitigate heat stress in livestock. NH3 emissions from agricultural sources in the context of air quality. Ambient odor: emission, atmospheric dispersion and irritation rating.
2000 Austrian Hygienic Award – honored in September 2000. Düsseldorf Hygiene Award – honored in April 1994.