Welcome to the online resource of the international theoretical and scientific-practical journal “Vestnik VIESH” (“VIESH BULLETIN”). On this website, you can read the journal and access the electronic versions of its numbers.
The journal history began in 1931, when on the initiative and with the direct participation of a major soviet statesman, scientist of power engineering, academician of the USSR G. M. Krzhizhanovsky was created monthly journal “Electrification of Agriculture”. The editor board consisted of VIESH’s first director professor M. G. Evreinov, A. A. Schlichter (VIESH’s director in 1931-1933), the executive editor was I. A. Dubinsky, a famous expert on electromechanical livestock, later researcher and head of the VIESH’s laboratory.
In January of 1934, the journal was passed to the subordination of VIESH and was issued before the joining of the VIESH and VIM in 1937. During this period, the executive editor was VIESH’s director N.A. Sazonov.
After the restoration of the VIESH as an independent institute (in 1948), since 1954 the journal was published in the form of Collections of scientific works and “Bulletin of scientific and technical information on agriculture electrification”. There were issued 90 volumes of works and 66 issues of the “Bulletin” in total.
Since 2005, the journal began to be published under the name “Vestnik VIESH” (“VIESH Bulletin”). “Vestnik VIESH” is issued by the Federal agricultural research center VIM from 2016 as a result of reorganization through consolidation of several research institutions.
The journal is devoted to topical issues in the field of energy and electrification of agriculture, energy efficiency and energy saving in livestock and crop production, in stationary and mobile energy; renewable and non-traditional energy sources; new energy technologies, electrical technologies, infocommunication and nanotechnology in agriculture; development and use of alternative fuels.
Journal “Vestnik VIESH” registered in the Federal service for supervision of communications, information technology and mass communications (registration certificate PI № FS77-71465 from 26.10.2017), issued 4 times in a year and distributed by subscription.
The magazine is included in the list of RSCI. Now it has an impact factor 0,511.
The journal is focused at a wide audience of professionals in the field of agriculture: scientists, researchers, teachers, managers, specialists, postgraduates and doctoral students.
The publication of a scientific journal on the basis of the research institute is an opportunity to learn and share best practices, research results, increase the demand for scientific and technical potential of scientists and attract public attention to the most pressing problems of the agro-industrial complex, development and discussion of prospects for the development of agricultural production.
We are pleased to provide you with the pages of our journal, where you can submit new ideas, developments and share the results of your research to the wide public.
Thank you for your interest to our scientific journal. I wish to authors the success, and to readers the interesting and useful content!
Chief scientific editor, academician D. S. Strebkov.